How to dispose of pouches

Discover how to dispose Ella's Kitchen packs and pouches in your country

    ATW Hero Q Rpage
    ATW Hero Q Rpage
    Flag Box Estonia 2x


    Please dispose of pouches in plastic packaging waste + follow the guidance here:

    Flag Box Ireland 2x

    Republic of Ireland

    We have checked with MyWaste in Ireland and pouches that can be recycled in the UK can also be recycled in Ireland with the cap on. Look for this logo shown on back of pack to confirm if your pouch can be recycled.

    Flag Box China 2x


    Our pack is designed for recycling and only made from PP-5. Please check your local waste guidelines to confirm which bin to put your pouches in.

    Flag Box Luxembourg 2x


    We have checked with Valorlux and they have confirmed this can be disposed of in your Blue Bag (plastic waste)

    Flag Box Hong Kong 2x

    Hong Kong

    Our pack is designed for recycling and only made from PP-5. Please check your local waste guidelines to confirm which bin to put your pouches in.

    Flag Box UAE 2x

    United Arab Emirates

    Each Emirate manages plastic disposal separately. Our pouches are made from one type of plastic so should be able to be disposed of in a plastic collection point. Please check your local waste guidelines.

    Flag Box Iceland 2xRecycle me iceland


    Look for this logo shown on back of pack to check how to dispose of your pouch

    Flag Box Malta 2x


    Please follow your local government's guidelines on the best way to dispose of your pouches.