Claire Baseley
Infant nutritionist / Makes Ella's Good
You can start introducing allergen foods when your little one is around 6 months of age. Just make sure you offer them one at a time, when your baby is feeling well + in teeny tiny amounts so you can spot any allergic reactions.
Try to introduce a new allergen early in the day so you can watch out for any reactions for a few hours afterwards.
For example, if you start with cows’ milk, add a small amount of milk or plain yoghurt (just a quarter to a half of a teaspoon) to a veggie or fruit puree you’ve given your baby before and mix well before giving to your little one.
Remember, reactions can be immediate or delayed.
Keep an eye out for any reactions – check out the list below for some of the signs of an allergic reaction and what to do if your baby has one
If your baby has no reactions, you can start to build up the amount of that allergen gradually.
Offer it regularly – at least once or twice a week.
Wait 2-3 days before introducing another allergen food like egg, soy or nuts.
During weaning, you can introduce these allergen foods one at a time:
If your little one has tried a new allergen food without a reaction, keep offering them regularly.
Chat to your health visitor or doctor about introducing allergens if you have a family history of allergies.
Signs of an immediate reaction
An immediate reaction, which usually occurs within 30 minutes of eating the food, may be mild, like:
If your baby has a reaction like this, don’t offer the allergen food again and dial 111 for advice or speak with your doctor.
If your baby has a swollen tongue, persistent cough, difficulty breathing or is pale, floppy or unconscious, dial 999 right away for help.
It’s important to note that not all allergic reactions are immediate and your little one may have a delayed-type food allergy, which may not cause symptoms for several hours after the food has been eaten.
Symptoms of a delayed reaction
If your baby has a reaction like this, stop offering the food and wait for symptoms to subside (usually in a few days). Try offering the food again 1-2 weeks later and if symptoms re-occur, have a chat with your doctor.
If you are concerned at all about allergies or offering allergens, have a chat with your health visitor or doctor first.