Claire Baseley
Infant nutritionist / Makes Ella's Good
As little ones grow up, they recognise different foods by their texture! Stimulate your little one's senses by offering them different textures to play with + explore
Our research has shown us that little ones who experience veggies and fruit using all their senses are more likely to eat + try those foods when mealtimes come around. Remember, the more times your baby tries a new food, the more likely they are to learn to accept it and grow-up to become good little eaters… so keep trying!
We’ve come up with lots of ideas, tips + sensorial games that you can try together. Let’s play!
As little ones grow up, they recognise different foods by texture. Being able to hold ingredients + finger foods is important for their development too. Babies + toddlers learn from mimicking those around them, so show them how much fun feeling all the different fruits + veggies can be! Let little hands feel bumpy avocado skin, a furry kiwi, knobbly ginger, squishy raspberries + slippery banana skin!
Little ones discover a love of food through more than just their taste buds! Engaging all their senses through foodie games will reeeally help to develop good habits during mealtimes! Here's a sensorial activity your little one will absolutely love + want to play over and over! Perfect for little hands from 6 months