Eggscellent Mini Fishy Pizzas recipe

looking for some finger food fun? Try our super simple tuna Fishy Mini Pizzas made with just 4 tasty ingredients.
It's quick + easy, so you won't need to go fishing in the shops for this recipe! These perfect pizzas are bound to go down swimmingly


- 1x tin of tuna (preferably in spring water)
- 1x egg
- 50g Tomato puree (or left-over pasta sauce)
- 30g cheddar cheese

- Drain the tuna and pop into a small bowl
- Add the raw egg and blend until smooth
- Dollop six even blobs (tbsp) of your blended egg and tuna onto a greased baking tray and smooth into even disks
- Cook at 180C for 14 minutes
- Once cooked, remove from the tray to cool
- Spread a small amount of tomato puree over the surface and sprinkle the finely grated cheese
- Pop back in the oven for 2 minutes to allow the cheese to melt
- Enjoy!
Fun for older ones!
Older little ones can help to add extra veggie toppings + sprinkle the cheese.
Top tip!
Can be eaten cold the next day as part of a yummy picnic-style lunch!

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